Vampfangs Zombie Contact Lenses
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Unleash Your Inner Zombie: The Ultimate Guide to Zombie-Themed Contact Lenses

Zombies, Zombies, Zombies!

Angelic Contacts

Halloween is rapidly approaching. It’s our favorite time of year… a magical season when creativity knows no bounds, and costume parties fill our calendars each weekend. Vampires are obviously our go-to look. But if there’s another creature that never loses its spine-chilling charm, it’s the undead – zombies! And zombies need one important thing: Zombie Contact Lenses.

Creating a zombie character that sends shivers down spines and leaves everyone in awe requires meticulous attention to detail. That’s where we step in.

In this guide, we’re going to assist you in choosing the perfect zombie contact lenses!

Time to craft a Hollywood-quality zombie look that will be the star of every party you attend.

From classic, timeless lenses to the the eeriest contacts to compliment your gruesome makeup techniques, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to transform!

Let’s dive into the world of zombie-themed contact lenses.

Best Selling Zombie Contact Lenses

Explore the best-selling zombie contact lenses that have taken the Halloween world by storm. Among the top picks are White Zombie, with its iconic all-white gaze that epitomizes the zombie aesthetic.

White Manson lenses feature a white lens with a captivating black perimeter ring. A timeless classic. If you’re after the enigmatic look of mesh lenses, then White Mesh will be your go-to choice. And for those who want to embrace the gore, Blood Splatter lenses provide a terrifyingly realistic appearance.

Why White Zombie Contact Lenses Are The Most Popular Choice

White ContactsWhen it comes to zombies, nothing sends a more chilling message than those lifeless, white eyes. Think about classic zombie movies like “Night of the Living Dead” or “Dawn of the Dead.” The ghoulish creatures from these movies that haunt our nightmares all share one defining feature – those stark, vacant eyes.

White contact lenses, obliterate the natural eye color, creating an uncanny and otherworldly effect that is essential for the perfect zombie look. These lenses are a staple in the world of horror for good reason. They transform your gaze into a haunting void, making you the center of attention at any Halloween gathering.

In some modern zombie movies, red lenses and infection style lenses have also been used… but if you’re looking for tried and true, white is always a classic choice!

Solid Color Lenses with No Outer Ring

Gothika White Zombie Contact Lenses - White Out - Vampfangs
White Zombie Lenses

If you are looking for a straightforward approach to zombification, solid color lenses with no outer ring are perfect for creating a timeless look.

There are three top choices for this style lens: white, black, and red. This style lens is also available in yellow, purple, blue and green if you are stepping outside of the box with your undead creation.

Consider the best-selling White Zombie lens, which offers an all-encompassing, eerie whiteness that most closely mirrors the pop culture version of the undead horde.

Alternatively, you can embrace the darkness with Black Out lenses that shroud your eyes in a sinister, inky void. And for a touch of modern allure, Red Vampire lenses add a bloodthirsty edge to your zombie character, reminiscent of the “28 Days Later” fiends.

These lenses are all about simplicity with maximum impact, making them ideal if you are looking for a quick transformation that leaves a classic, lasting impression.


Solid Color Lenses with a Limbal Ring

Adding a limbal ring to solid color lenses can enhance the intensity of your zombie transformation.

White Manson Lenses

White Manson lenses combine the captivating whiteness of solid color lenses with a dark, defining ring, creating a mesmerizing contrast that draws people in.

Our Angelic collection has this same dark outer ring, but with an added jagged element to the ring that adds a natural feel to it, closely mimicking a human eye pattern.

Two classic colors in the Angelic line are white and red. Angelic White lenses will provide an ethereal, almost otherworldly quality to your gaze, making you appear as if you’ve just risen from the depths of the afterlife.

If you’re feeling a bit more bloodthirsty, Angelic Red lenses infuse a hint of malevolence into your zombie character. Our Zombie Undead lenses takes the classic white angelic pattern and steps up the hollow look with some additional black striations.

And for a truly hellish transformation, Hellraiser lenses will have everyone questioning your unearthly origins. This lens is a classic blackout lens, but with an added bright red ring around the perimeter.

These lenses with limbal rings are perfect for those who want to add depth and complexity to their undead look.

Mesh Zombie Contact Lenses

If you’re aiming for a truly haunting effect, mesh lenses are the way to go. This style of lens looks exactly how the name describes. They are a ‘grid’ or ‘mesh’ configuration. Dead Eye White Mesh lenses are designed to obscure most of your pupil and iris, creating a disconcerting and otherworldly look.

Your eyes will appear veiled and mysterious, perfect for portraying a zombie emerging from the depths of the undead.

Blood Red Mesh lenses, on the other hand, take the horror to another level with a blood-soaked appearance that will make your zombie character look straight out of a nightmare.

These lenses are a favorite among professional makeup artists and horror enthusiasts for their ability to make your gaze truly unforgettable.

Be careful with this style of lenses though. Since it covers the entire pupil and iris, they DO restrict your vision.

Travel with a buddy so they can be your ‘eyes’ for the night.

And please… DO NOT DRIVE with these lenses in! We like you just the way you are… ALIVE!

Bloodshot and Infection Style Lenses

Torie Robot in Reaper Lenses

If you are looking for a fun zombie-esque contact lens that includes a design or pattern, then you have to check out our collection of infection style lenses. These lenses can range from a classic bloodshot look to an all over infected style pattern.

To embody the chaos and decay of the zombie apocalypse, consider using classic red and white lenses that include blood patterns.

Top choices for this look are Reaper, Bloodshot, and Blood Splatter. These lenses emulate the bloodshot, infected look that sends shudders down spines.

With Blood Splatter lenses, your eyes appear as if they’ve been splattered in blood, adding a gruesome touch to your undead ensemble.

Bloodshot lenses take splatter to the next level with the blood extending to the outer edge of the lens, giving you the appearance of an infected and feverish zombie.

Virus lenses create a biohazardous, apocalyptic vibe, perfectly blending the ultimate zombie-color trifecta: red, white, and black. These lenses are perfect for those who want to fully embrace the horror of the zombie genre in a fun and different way.

If you want to tip your hat to a zombie powerhouse movie series, be sure to add our Resident Evil lenses to your repertoire. Did someone say Umbrella?

GOTHIKA Reaper FX Contact Lenses
Reaper Lenses
Resident Evil Lenses
Blood Splatter Lenses
Virus Contact Lenses
Virus Contact Lenses
GOTHIKA Resident Evil Contact Lenses
Resident Evil Lenses
GOTHIKA Reaper FX Contact Lenses
Reaper Lenses
Resident Evil Lenses
Blood Splatter Lenses
Virus Contact Lenses
Virus Contact Lenses
GOTHIKA Resident Evil Contact Lenses
Resident Evil Lenses

Tying it all together with costume, makeup, and special effects

No zombie is complete without the right costume, makeup, and special effects. Learn how to create a truly immersive zombie character by combining the perfect lenses with expert makeup techniques and costume choices.

Whether you’re going for a classic zombie, a post-apocalyptic survivor, or a specific character from a zombie movie, the lenses will work together with your entire outfit to elevate your look to Hollywood-quality standards.

Check out our 3DFX Transfers for creating a fast, easy, pro zombie look!

As we wrap up this comprehensive guide, you’re now armed with the knowledge and inspiration needed to transform into a Hollywood-quality zombie for this Halloween.

Whether you opt for the chilling allure of white lenses, the simplicity of solid color lenses, the depth of limbal rings, the mystery of mesh lenses, or the gruesome realism of bloodshot and infection styles, your zombie character will stand out as the highlight of every party that you grace with your undead presence.


Sharpen your makeup skills, choose your lenses wisely, and get ready to become the undead sensation of the season.

This Halloween, it’s your time to shine as the ultimate zombie.

Vampfangs Zombie Contact Lenses

Featured In This Guide

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  • Zombie White Contact Lenses – Gothika

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  • White Manson Contact Lenses – Gothika

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  • White Manson Lenses By Softlens

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  • Angelic Red Contact Lenses – Gothika

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  • Angelic White FX Contact Lenses

    $38.99 Per Pair
  • Reaper FX Contact Lenses

    $38.99 Per Pair
  • Dead Eye Mesh FX Contact Lenses

    $38.99 Per Pair

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